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  • Academic Center for Excellence
  • Success Advising
  • ACE: Success Advising

    Goucher's Success Advisors strive to promote student success by enhancing the academic advising and student support experiences of all Goucher College students. Every first-year student at Goucher is assigned a Success Advisor who works with each advisee from before they step foot on campus and remain a key contact point throughout their undergraduate career.

    Goucher's Success Advisors believe that advising is a two-way responsibility, a collaboration between the student and the advisor. It is imperative to have dynamic conversations that encourage learning and ultimately support students' growth and development. The Success Advisor's overall role - advising, coaching, mentoring, and campus and community collaborations – embraces the strengths of the holistic nature of a liberal arts education.  

    Goucher's Success Advisors assist students with academic planning and navigating the resources and expectations of being a Goucher student.  Throughout their time at Goucher, Success Advisors help students identify their passions, goals, and interests and coach students in developing and deepening their academic life skills. 

    Goucher’s Success Advisors support their advisees when facing academic, financial, or personal challenges, making referrals as appropriate, and engaging in ongoing contact with faculty and staff as needed.  

    Request an Appointment

    To make an appointment with your Success Advisor, you should use Navigate.

    Success Advising Goals

    • Connect students with Goucher resources to support academic success
    • Guide students in a process of self-discovery
    • Identify students’ passions, goals, and interests

    Success Advisor Responsibilities

    • Assist in formulating an academic plan
    • Explain Goucher Commons, major, and other curricular requirements
    • Support students in learning how to access and successfully navigate advising resources
    • Meet and discuss the student’s academic interests
    • Recommend opportunities for personal and academic growth
    • Interpret and explain Goucher academic policies and procedures
    • Refer students to campus and community resources specific to their needs
    • Encourage students to meet their professors and refer to appropriate academic resources
    • Help identify activities and programs on campus that reflect student’s interests.

    Student Responsibilities

    • Know how to contact your advisor and schedule an appointment
    • Prepare for your advising appointment and be on time
    • Clarify personal goals (values, interests) for academic, career and personal life.
    • Become knowledgeable on available support services at Goucher and utilize recommended resources
    • Check Goucher email often for communications from the college, faculty, and advisor
    • Respond to advisor and faculty outreach
    • Communicate specific needs and academic concerns to your advisor so they can best support you in being a successful student
    • Accept responsibility for your decisions and actions that affect your personal and academic success
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